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Do Syrians have the right to own property in Turkey 2022

Do Syrians have the right to own property in Turkey?


The number of Syrians in Turkey has increased recently, and their question about Do Syrians have the right to own property in Turkey??

On the one hand, they all want to settle, so they are threatened at any moment in order to vacate the house, either because the owner of the property wants to sell it, or for other purposes.

On the other hand, the Syrians want to get rid of the burden of the monthly rent, which increases annually according to Turkish law.

And also because the customs of the Turkish people are close to the Syrian society, in addition to Turkey's moderate climate and growth Turkish economy Which encouraged Syrians to invest and work in it.



If you are a Syrian national interested in Buying a property in Turkey, especially Buying an apartment in Istanbul, and would like to know Do Syrians have the right to own property in Turkey?You have arrived at your destination, we are at Hakeem Real Estate Company We will provide you with all the detailed information about the ownership of Syrians in Turkey.


 General information about the possibility of Syrians owning property in Turkey

Since the Syrians began to flock to Turkey, the most common question asked by Turkish real estate companies is Do Syrians have the right to own property in Turkey?Can a Syrian buy a property in Turkey?

The answer is, no. Until today, the Turkish parliament does not allow some foreign nationalities, including Syrian, to own real estate in Turkey.

This decision is not a result of today, but dates back to 1927, when the Syrian government decided to seize the property of all Turkish citizens on Syrian territory, and denied them the right to dispose of it.

At the time, the Turkish government tried to recover the rights of its citizens, but all of these attempts failed, and as a result, the Turkish parliament in 1939 issued a law called (the principle of reciprocity), and this law stipulated preventing Syrians from owning real estate in Turkey, as well as some foreign nationalities other.

On November 16, 2021, this law was amended, and a circular was issued allowing only Syrians with Turkish citizenship to own real estate in Turkey.

The circular added that every Syrian citizen who has any other foreign nationality, such as German, American, Swedish or others, is treated as a Syrian citizen completely regardless of the foreign nationality he holds, and therefore a Syrian with dual nationality cannot own property in Turkey unless it is That nationality is Turkish nationality only.


 Foreign Ownership Law in Turkey

There are many questions about real estate ownership in Turkey, including: Do Syrians have the right to own property in Turkey??, and in our article we will answer you this question, and make it clear Law of foreign ownership of real estate in Turkey.

According to Turkish law, all nationalities are entitled to own real estate in Turkey except for Armenia, Cuba, North Korea, Nigeria, and Syria.

But with some restrictions and laws for foreigners to own real estate in Turkey, these laws are:

  • Foreign nationals are allowed to own a maximum of 30 hectares in all Turkish states, equivalent to 300,000 square meters.
  • Foreign nationals are not entitled to own real estate near the military barracks of the Turkish army, or near the security centers.
  • يستطيع الأجانب شراء عدة عقارات في منطقة معينة، أو بلدة ما في تركيا على ألاّ يتجاوز الحد الأقصى %10 من مجموع الأراضي في تلك المنطقة.
  • Foreign nationals have the right to own all types of real estate in Turkey, namely: residential or investment apartments, hotel apartments, shops, agricultural or commercial lands, farms, factories, schools, restaurants, and other real estate.


Do Syrians have the right to own property in Turkey?



 Indirect ways for Syrians to own property in Turkey

On the principle of reciprocity, Syrians are not entitled to own property in Turkey, unless he holds Turkish citizenship, or any other foreign nationality, provided that he proves his renunciation of Syrian citizenship, and that proof is translated and certified through the Qaim Maqam or the apostille in Turkey, where that proof is presented The document is submitted to the Tabu Directorate in Turkey when buying any property and in any Turkish state.

But Do Syrians have the right to own property in Turkey? In other ways?

The answer is yes, there are other ways to mention it to you Hakeem Real Estate Company In detail, they are:

  • The holder of Syrian nationality can own property in Turkey by establishing a company, as Turkish law deals with that company as a legal person, and through it the Syrian can buy a property and register it in the name of that company, without the need for a Turkish partner, provided that the property in its price and area matches the size of the property. The company's capital.

It is considered Procedures for establishing a company in Turkey It is an uncomplicated procedure, and one of the best ways for Syrians to overcome the obstacle of owning property in Turkey. It requires the following steps:

  1.  Submit an application to establish a company in Turkey
  2. Announcing the establishment of a company in Turkey
  3. Signature statement for the company owner in Turkey
  4. Registration statement at the Chamber of Commerce in Turkey
  5. A copy of the company's owner's passport, translated into Turkish and certified by the Noter Department (Turkish Notary Public)
  6. Turkish tax number
  7.  Three personal photos of the Syrian owner of the company.
  • The holder of Syrian nationality can buy a property in partnership with a Turkish citizen, and it requires the Syrian wishing to own property in this way to find a reliable and guaranteed Turkish partner, and this method depends on the Syrian buying a property in Turkey, and placing it in the name of his Turkish partner, with a sign of mortgaging the property in favor of the Syrian partner to ensure his rights .
  • The Syrian proves his origins if he has Ottoman or Turkish origins, and this enables him to obtain Turkish citizenship, and therefore he is entitled to Ownership in Turkey.
  • Deposit five hundred thousand dollars in one Turkish banks, with a mortgage sign placed on it so that he cannot withdraw this amount until after three years, and in this way the Syrian will get Turkish Nationality Thus, he will have the right to own property in Turkey.





 Can a Syrian who holds Turkish citizenship own property in Turkey?

Yes, a naturalized Syrian can Buying a property in Turkey easily without any hiccups.


 Do Syrians have the right to obtain Turkish citizenship through real estate investment?

No, a Syrian cannot own property in Turkey, even if he wants to buy a property worth $400,000.



 Can a Syrian with Turkish citizenship bequeath the property to his family?

Yes, the Syrian naturalized with Turkish citizenship can pass on the property to his family without any obstacles, as he is treated like a Turkish citizen.



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Release : Hakeem Real Estate© | Real estate expert in Turkey 

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